I'm still not sure if the potty training has "officially" begun, but Landon went on the "big boy" potty for the first time yesterday after he had a shower before church. It was just a couple trickles, but still counts in my mind. We've decided to give him Fruit Loops as his reward because he LOVES "fruit zoots". Today was day 2 of this trying out the potty training and he left a couple drops in the froggy potty after his nap today. We tried again tonight right before putting a "good night" diaper on him and he sat on the froggy potty again and did an AMAZING job. It was the best one he's done so far and it seems like he's figured out that he can push out whatever he has left. Sorry if this is "too much information" but I'm just so proud of him and I want to document it for myself. It was so cute though because he kept clapping for himself after anything came out. He was definitely proud of himself too. We'll see how this goes. Wish us luck!
November 2016
8 years ago
Yeah- go Landon! That's really exciting! I would like to say that you will be diaper free soon, but that's not gonna happen for a long, long time :) But only 1 diapering bum is better than 2!
go landon! Congrats on the big boy potty. I will be asking for advice in about 18months :)
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