Friday, February 12, 2010

Recent Accomplishments

Ever since Ben got me a sewing machine for Christmas, I have been pretty much OBSESSED with sewing projects for kids and friends. I have found some great blogs and websites that give you instructions, step by step, on how to make cute little gifts, etc. Below are some of my recent accomplishments.

The crayon roll I made for Landon's little friend Maya

This is the crayon roll that I made for Landon and we call them his "Cowboy Crayons."And I found another really cute website that makes scripture covers and totes...but there are no instructions on how to make them, so I tried to figure it out on my own. This is the first one I made. And the pink one is the second one I made. The black one was pretty easy to make...but the pink one, the black flower took forever to make and figure out how to securely attach it.


Anonymous said...

super cute! You are very talented. My kids all have crayon rolls too and are a must have for church. I like Landons cowboy one...Nathan's is a truck one.

Jschmalle said...

Way to go Sarah! Who knew you were so domestic?:)

Charis said...

Dan you are putting that sewing machine to great use and me to shame. I got one for christmas last year and haven't used it yet! Your creations are awesome!!!! You sure have some sewing talent ;-)

The Shepherd Family said...

Aww thanks guys! Yeah I think it runs in the family cause my mom could have been on Project Runway, had they had that show back when she was sewing all the time. I NEVER EVER thought I would be domestic at all, but I LOVE it.

Unknown said...

Wow that is so awesome... I love the crayon holders and especially the scripture covers. I just might have to pay you to make me one. Love it....

Unknown said...

way cute! you should be proud of yourself.

Aaron and Lindsay said...

I love the scripture covers...I'm thinking about having my Activity Day girls make some. I'll have to figure it all out before I have them make any though. I might be asking for help!