Landon is now 26 months...but I swear it feels like I'm talking to a 3 or 4 year old most of the time. His progression is just amazing. He'll tell me things like "Landon wearing green and mommy wearing green....wear green together". And I'm like, "where did I get this kid? He's way too smart to be mine!" The other things he says are things like, "Not chicken nuggets, not french fries, JUST ice cream!" Sometimes I think this kid never stops talking. He tells me that he's going to show Baby Tessa his choo choo trains and that he's going to push her in the stroller, which I think is too cute. He says that he's going to hold her hand in the car too. I really hope he likes her when she comes.
This last month has been so fun with him. He's seriously my little buddy and best friend (besides Ben of course). I just love hanging out with him. I can't believe that I'm going to have 2 kids pretty soon. I hope Tessa's personality is as cute as Landon's. She sure has a lot to live up to ;)
Here are some pictures from the birthday party that he recently went to. He's so big and sits at the birthday table all by himself. Gosh he's growing up way too fast!
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